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Pinturas - correlatos

Algunas posibles pinturas para explorar como correlato del edificio elegido . Pueden proponer otras . 
PAUL CEZANNE - Bibemos Quarry, 1900
PAUL CEZANNE - the bend in the road, 1905
PAUL CEZANNE - Mont Ste Victoire

VAN GOGH - La noche estrellada, 1889
BRAQUE - violin and glass,1913

BRAQUE - violin and sheet music on a-table petit oiseau,1913
THEO VAN DOESBURG - Composition IX, Opus 18  'Decomposition' of The Card Players, 1917
THEO VAN DOESBURG - omposition in Gray (Rag-time), 1919

THEO VAN DOESBURG - russian dance,1918
DUCHAMP - desnudo bajando escalera, 1912
MUNCH Edward - El sol, 1916
EL LISSITSKY (1890-1941) - Proun

VLADIMIR TATLIN - board number 1 staro basmannaya street, 1916

KANDINSKY - Blue segment, 1921

KANDINSKY - Yellow red blue, 1925

LYONEL FEININGER - Church of the minorities II
KAZIMIR MALEVICH - Bureau and room, 1913

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